2024 07 - [June and] July

Following a busy May... I had a busy June. And then a busy July! Between a major update to an existing project, several other projects coming to the fore, a reasonably hyperfocussed effort to complete some freelance work and an attempt to create an educational VR game proof of concept, I haven't stopped all that much.


Macro is cool, and I'd really like to delve into supermacro at some point. Until such a time as I can afford the flash setup and a 2:1 lens. I don't think I could stretch to an OM-1 + OM Systems 90mm f3.5 lens, as nice as that might be.

For now, I will content myself with the window into tiny worlds that is the 1:1 magnification's strongest asset (in my opinion!).

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I wondered what would happen if I put my Raynox DCR-250 on my Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 Prime. As you'd expect, things got pretty dark pretty quickly. They also got - I think - pretty pretty. I don't think this was quite 1:1, but I'm not about to attempt the maths involved in figuring that out. Here are two test shots of a "dew"-covered cobweb-covered succulent.

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Despite the crush, I did actually go outside ove the past couple of months. Twice! Okay, maybe a couple of times more than that.

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I've been lucky enough over the past few months to be asked to feed my neighbour's fish. They're cool, and fascinating to watch. This has, somewhat foreseeably, turned into something else I try to take probably-too-many-photos of.

It does feel a little strange that my first post on Push // Pull is about fish considering I know next to nothing about then, but here we are: A New Obsession: Taking Pictures of Feeding Fish to Improve Timing and Reactions.

A lot of the pictures here are doubled in that post. While I wouldn't necessarily recommend reading that post, my friend Matt Becker - the owner of Push // Pull - has some interesting posts on his return to film photography and the trials of finding open source software that can compete with the Adobe juggernaut.

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