Privacy Policy


This site uses analytics to get an idea of how many people visit the site, what type of device and browser are being used, and what galleries are most popular. Our analytics platform of choice is Swetrix, due to its commitment to respecting users' privacy.

How does Swetrix respect my privacy?

According to their documentation, while Swetrix does take note of visitors' IP addresses and user agents on a server level, they only store hashed, salted versions of the data for 30 minutes before it's deleted from their records completely. The service doesn't use cookies, and won't follow your journey through our site if you've enabled your browser's Do Not Track feature.

Through Swetrix, we have no knowledge of any individual visitor's data; only a record of the fact that someone visited a given page!

The information we can see is:

  • Page visited (main page name only)
  • From User Agent
    • Browser name and version
    • Size of device (mobile / tablet / laptop / desktop)
    • Operating System name
  • From IP address
    • Country